May 19, 2023 | Poetry
We were lovers long ago, I remember her face in the morning. A jigsaw of fine lines, her dayface dissolved in the pillowcase. When she left, her voice, stained and withered.
May 19, 2023 | Poetry
I feel like… I never should have made Left Turns. A quantum particle at the gates of Hell. Quinine. I feel like… A Bentley Continental GT steaming down Hennepin Avenue catching every light. A piece of chocolate cake staring down the tines of a quivering fork....
May 19, 2023 | Poetry
Something inside my skin moves and I watch it scurry about. She doesn’t see it as she looks through me to find the margarine.
May 19, 2023 | Poetry
Does my shadow feel? I see his foot tapping to the music. But is it in his soul? Is he the rhythm section to my big band? You only get that kind of love in a spotlight. When my shadow melts into hers, I feel his pain, and run...
May 19, 2023 | Poetry
Dragging my weary, sixty year old butt out of bed, sleep knuckles under. Thank the gods it’s Saturday. Kitchen calls, slippers shush, shower can wait… Coffee. Pop the grinder’s lid, flip open the cookie jar of oily heaven… Shit. Dark thoughts echo in...
May 19, 2023 | Poetry
Bouncing across the street in his four-wheel Electri-glide, bandoliers across his chest. Body parts still fish-flap in-out-of-control-caricature. Wind-whipped angel-white hair and eye-patch. Chatting merrily on his...